<目次>旅の指さし会話帳21JAPAN[English Edition/英語版](日本語)
Section 1 The Original "POINT-AND-SPEAK" Word Sheet Pages
Section 2 Tips on understanding Japanese people
Section 3 Glossary ( English-Japanese )
Section 4 Glossary of Japanese Holidays, Nations of the World, etc.
39 practical examples of daily comversation you're likely to encounter
第1部 「旅の指さし会話帳」本編
第2部 日本人を理解するためのヒント
第3部 英語→日本語 単語集
第4部 日本の祝日、世界の国名など
Easy-to-read pronunciation guides
Our pronunciation guides are a departure from conventional "Romanization" of Japanese sounds. We use a slightly different system to make
pronunciation easier for English speakers. Read the tips on P.4-
5 to learn the basics of Japanese pronunciation. If you're not sure, just ask your new Japanese friend!
How to make the Most of this Phrasebook(この本の使い方)
For starters, smile and say, "Sumimasen" (Excuse me). Starting off a conversation in Japanese is the best way to get help from strangers.
Let the person you're talking to see that the book has Japanese translations.
Many Japanese think their poor "Japanese English" is a source of misunderstanding and embarrassment.
If they shy away from you, assure them this phrasebook has Japanese translations.
Point to the word as you say it.
If you're worried about your pronunciation, you can show the phrasebook to the person you're talking to and make sure your message is getting across. For basic rules on Japanese pronunciation, turn to page 4.
Ask a Japanese person to say the word and then repeat it.
There is nothing like imitation when you're trying to learn a new language.
If you think you're mispronouncing a word, ask the person you're talking
to to correct you. That way, you can turn your daily encounters into fun-filled, on-the-spot language lessons.
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